Not Seeking Cert in NYSRPA Case

Members and Supporters: After three years of continued movement through the Judicial System the death of Justice Antonin Scalia accomplished a feat the anti-gunners were unable to do; it stopped our lawsuit. Below please find a statement Jay Porter a Constitutional...

NRA Backs Hochul

NRA Backs Hochul – Rep. Kathy Hochul is trumpeted her endorsement from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund today, noting she’s one of just two New York Democrats to receive the organization’s support.

Rifle Association Moves Kolb to the Head of The Class

Rifle Association Moves Kolb to the Head of The Class – Are A+ grades still given out in school? Not sure, but the National Rifle Association just gave one to Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, R-Canandaigua, Ontario County. Kolb has been a big promoter of the...

Ban guns, boo God; is that the image Democrats want?

Ban guns, boo God; is that the image Democrats want? – Wednesday saw an affirmation of sorts that the far left-tilting Democrat party has embraced Barack Obama’s 2008 sneer about Americans who cling to their guns or religion when, over the course of a single...