City of Albany Alert ORD 59.42.10

Councilman Anton Konev has introduced ORD 59.42.10 at the April 19, 2010 meeting.  This kitchen sink gun control bill contains various licensing, registration and prohibitions for firearms, ammunition and air guns.  All gun owners are urged to contact their City...

Club Affiliates

Affiliated organizations Affiliating your gun club with NYSRPA has many benefits including participation in shooting sports at state and national level, promoting your club’s events to thousands of interested shooters across the state, liability insurance for...

Legislative Testimony

Legislative testimony given by NYSRPA: Patrick Brophy’s testimony before the NYC City Council on June 27, 2006 Barry Cohen’s and Patrick Brophy’s testimony before the NYC City Council on November 15, 2004 Patrick Brophy’s and Amy Heath’s...