House GOP leaders pressure Holder on Fast and Furious

House GOP leaders pressure Holder on Fast and Furious – Top House Republicans attempted to ramp up pressure on Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday with a joint letter demanding the Department of Justice comply with a congressional subpoena for materials on...

House Republicans try to block Obama’s rifle rule

House Republicans try to block Obama’s rifle rule – House Republicans, accusing President Barack Obama of waging a war on gun owners, plan to cut off funding for an rule requiring firearms dealers in border states to report multiple sales of certain...

8 Ways the Media Doesn’t Understand Gun Owners

8 Ways the Media Doesn’t Understand Gun Owners – This is a dire situation: I have three anti-gun media hit pieces left to read, and I’m down to my last antacid.  I normally ration them, but that last story was a real doozy.  Why endure such torture?  If you can...