Gun-etching measure passes Assembly

Gun-etching measure passes Assembly – Assembly Democrats, including Addie J. Russell, have won the latest gun-control battle in Albany. But state Republicans, such as Assemblyman Kenneth D. Blankenbush, look certain to win the war.  The Assembly voted 84-55 on...

Homeowner shoots at home invaders

Homeowner shoots at home invaders – The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s office say a homeowner managed to stop an attempted home invasion around 12:30 p.m. on Thursday.  Police say two men went to a home on Mayville-Sherman Road in the town of Chautauqua....

NY seeks changes to bear hunting season, regions

NY seeks changes to bear hunting season, regions – The state Department of Environmental Conservation wants to open new areas east of the Hudson River to bear hunting and establish uniform bear hunting season dates across the Southern Zone starting this year. ...

Hawley opposes new mandates on firearms producers

Hawley opposes new mandates on firearms producers – Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) recently voiced his opposition to Assembly bill 1157, which would place new mandates on firearms producers through the process of microstamping. The bill would require...